Video guides

Industry Insights 5: Measuring ROI on an influencer campaign

The biggest myth when it comes to Influencer Marketing is the ROI of the campaign can’t be tracked, but this simply is not the case.

Industry Insights 5: Measuring ROI on an influencer campaign


Alyce Tran, Co-founder and Creative Director of TDE & Founder and CEO of In The Round House

Amaury Tréguer, Executive Director Social at Red Havas

“You can’t track that”….

Um… actually you can and we are here with our industry experts to tell you how!  

The biggest myth when it comes to Influencer Marketing is the ROI of the campaign can’t be tracked. This simply is not the case, there are so many unique platforms and softwares that enable you to track your campaign through qualitative and quantitative frameworks, giving greater depth and understanding of your brands performance.

Having said this, how do you know what to expect? What are the best platforms to use? Where can you find these answers?

Get comfy and tune in to hear our experts tackle this BIG BIG question.